Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Friends are angels

July 7th,2010

Just praising God for his healing and his mercy and his Grace.

What a wonderful God we serve.

I was so happy that my wonderful friends from Canada came for a visit this year with me. God brought Linda to me through a prayer group and I am so thankful. We are of a kindred spirit and we both love the Lord with all our hearts and we had such sweet fellowship and I sure do miss them very much.  We met online as prayer partner's and God permitted me to meet her in October of 2008.
I invited her and Bill for a visit this year and they came and spent several days with me and I sure did enjoy their visit. We went to church and worshiped God together and it was a wonderful blessing. I thank God for them. I hope someday I may be able to go to Canada for a visit with them......I sure do love you Linda and Bill...... God bless you today and always.


Unknown said...

Elaine is a dear, precious friend and we were so blessed by our visit with her and her husband Allie. They were so very hospitable and even though Elaine was not feeling well, she pressed on and we are really grateful for her love and kindness shown to us. God bless you Elaine and Allie

savedbygrace said...

Thank you dear sweet friend of mine with a kindred heart. I am so blessed to have you in my life. It was a joy to have you and Bill for a visit and even though I didn't feel my best I enjoyed your visit very much and hope the next visit I will be back my normal self and will be able to do more. I thank God for you and for sending you my way. God bless you both and I love and miss you very much.