Tuesday, September 15, 2009

You make me smile

Subject: All It Takes Is a SMILE!

All it takes is a smile to make someone's day,
A nod of the head, a handshake
To send them on their way
All it takes is a smile and a little time to say I love you,
To tell someone how much God loves them too,
This is what Christianity is all about;
Its self sacrifice and looking to the welfare
Of others, putting someone else first

All it takes is a smile;
A simple smile will light up a whole room
It will brighten even your darkest day
It doesn't cost anything
But it's worth more than silver or gold
At the end of someone's way,
It sparkles brighter than any jewel known to mankind
Happiness is the smile on your face;
And the gladdened heart of a new friend
All it takes is a smile to bring intense joy,
At least for a moment or two,
Where sadness and pain have entered in
It's a journey that will take you places
You will want to be,
So why not share what God has
So freely given you and me?

People may not remember your name,
They may forget your face,
But what will remain is the smile you gave
When they needed it the most
God loves a cheerful soul;
Death lies not in the grave
But in the broken spirit of His children
It dries up the bones;
All it took was a smile.
A cheerful heart is good medicine
~~Janice Bumbalough Marler © 2-05-08


A Lily for Jesus said...

Oh sweet Elaine...how you make everyone smile! :)

savedbygrace said...

My sweet friend you are very dear and special to me and I thank God for you... I miss you very much and wish you were here.

love and God bless, Elaine