Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Give God the Praise

What ever life brings today, know that one day we'll be rejoicing
before His throne praising Him and giving Him all glory
for the things He is doing right now in our lives. Let's give
the LORD some praise!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Do all the good you can...By all the means you can...
In all the ways you can...In all the places you can...at
all the times you can...To all the people you can...As
long as ever you can. ...John Wesley

Happy moments, Praise God
Difficult moments, Seek God
Quiet moments, Worship God
Painful moments, Trust God
Every moment, Thank God

If He brings you to it, He will take you through it.

If He closes one door , He will open a bigger and better door.

Just Praise and trust Him in all things you do.

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