Monday, August 9, 2010

Leaning on Jesus for everything

Happy Monday Auguest 9, 2010

This is the day that the Lord has made and we should be glad and thank him for keeping us through another night and letting us see another day. There are so many that are sick and can't even get out of bed and we ought to always remember to pray and thank God for letting us be able to open our eyes and see a new day and be able to get out of bed and walk around.

Hidden in the Heart
What if we could see
Inside another's heart
Knocking down the walls
To the deepest part…

What would we see there
Hiding there alone
Frantic, faceless fear
Like we've never known?

What if we could find
A fixer of the Heart
Repairing all the hurt
Into a work of art?

Every heart is bared
Uncovered by our Lord…
Nothing can hide there
That cannot be restored…

No haven for the hurting
Nor asylum for the pained
Can ever give the refuge
Of the Lord's domain!
By Sharon Frye

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