Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer time in June 26,2011

This is a beautiful day which the Lord has made let us be glad in it. I am thanking God today for his many blessings on my life and for all of my Christian friends and for my family. I praise God for my wonderful friends on Vessels of Honor Prayer Group and Prayer does change things. I would like to invite anyone to come check the website out. I know you will be blessed by it. We are there to be of a service to you in need of Spiritual help and to be a blessing and to do what God has led each of us to do there. We also have a Praise Page, Craft Page, Daily devotion page, and others. Our main Page is our prayer page where we can come together and pray over each request and we would love for you to share your request with us so we can pray and seek God for your need.

I am thanking God for my new friends that I have and I would like to thank Anne for creating the website for us and I know she did it through much prayer and seeking God's will in it. Each of you that are in the group, know I thank God for you and thank him for your friendship and love each of you.

I believe today will be a good day because God made it.
{Psalm 118:24}
I believe I have all I need to accomplish His purpose in my life.
{2 Peter 1:3}
I believe nothing is too difficult for me because nothing is impossible for the God who lives in me.
{Philippians 4:13}
I believe even the biggest challenges in my life can be redeemed for my good and His glory.
{Romans 8:28}
I believe I am loved just as I am and called to become even more like Jesus every day.
{Hebrews 10:14}
I believe that He isn't finished with me yet and is able to complete the good work begun in me.
{Philippians 1:6}
I believe I am an overcomer, more than a conqueror, and nothing will keep God from carrying out His plans!
{Romans 8:32-39}
Rubber band
Band aid
Chewing gum
Candy Kiss
Tea Bag
Here's why:
Toothpick - to remind you to pick out the good qualities in others...Matt
Rubber band - to remind you to be flexible, things might not always go the
Way you want, but it will work out...Romans 8:28
Band Aid - to remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone
else's...Col. 3:12-14
Pencil - To remind you to list your blessings everyday...Eph1:3
Eraser - to remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay...Gen.
Chewing gum - to remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything
...Phil 4:13
Mint - to remind you that you are worth a mint to your heavenly
Father...John 3:16-17
Candy Kiss - to remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug everyday...1
John 4:7
Tea Bag - to remind you to relax daily and go over that list of God's
Blessings...1 Thess 5:18
This is my gift to you. May God richly bless you.
To the world, you may just be somebody...but to somebody, you may be the